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Norms, Interests, and Values
Henning Glaser
370 pages
Rs. 9100
All constitutional orders are necessarily based on a certain consensus, but always include conflicts and how to deal with them productively. This also and especially applies to the normative foundation of the political order, the basic constitutional order. If the balancing of conflict and consensus and their reproduction through the interaction of the relevant actors and constitutional institutions as well as the adjustment of the constitutional text at this level becomes imbalanced, or if the basic constitutional order is threatened in a threatening manner, a constitutional crisis occurs. The constitutional crisis, but also constitutional processes and constitutional reform, are the dimensions in which consensus and conflict in the constitutional basic order are reflected most clearly and fundamentally.
This volume deals with constitutional systems that are currently exposed to special, sometimes critical challenges of the respective basic consensus (Belgium, Italy, Malaysia, Taiwan, Turkey and Hungary), as well as strategies of the respective constitutional system to deal with such challenges (Germany, Singapore). Other contributions deal with the cultural differences in the prevailing social values ??in relation to the basic constitutional order (“Asian values” and constitution).