Open resonator microwave sensors allow accurate sensing, monitoring and measurement of properties such as dimension and moisture content in materials including dielectrics, rubber, polymers, paper, fabrics and wood veneers.
Nathan Ida
- Price: Rs.12500
In control theory, sliding mode control, or SMC, is a nonlinear control method that alters the dynamics of a nonlinear system by application of a discontinuous control signal that forces the system to 'slide' along a cross-section of the system's normal behaviour.
Leonid Fridman, Jean-Pierre Barbot, Franck Plestan
- Price: Rs.12500
Tactical Persistent Surveillance Radar with Applications introduces technologists to the essential elements of persistent surveillance of tactical targets from both a hardware and software point of view, using simple Mathcad, Excel and Basic examples with real data.
David Lynch
- Price: Rs.10900
As control systems become more complex and are expected to perform tasks in unknown and extreme environments, they may be subject to various types of faults in their sensors, actuators or other components.
Mohammadreza Davoodi, Nader Meskin, Khashayar Khorasani
- Price: Rs.11500
Non-destructive testing (NDT) analysis techniques are used in science, technology and medicine to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system, without causing damage or altering the article being inspected.
Hartmut Brauer, Marek Ziolkowski, Konstantin Weise
- Price: Rs.12500
Oil Crisis
Colin Campbell
- Price: Rs.3295
This book provides a comprehensive review of coatings and surface modification for biomedical applications, including background, theory, materials and applications.
Mike Driver
- Price: Rs.22450
Metal nanoclusters, which bridge metal atoms and nanocrystals, are gaining attention due to their unique chemical and physical properties which differ greatly from their corresponding large nanoparticles and molecular compounds.
Wei Chen, Shaowei Chen
- Price: Rs.18900
Semiconductor gas sensors have a wide range of applications in safety, process control, environmental monitoring, indoor or cabin air quality and medical diagnosis.
Raivo Jaaniso, Ooi Kiang Tan
- Price: Rs.25665
It is a story that's familiar to everyone. At the time of its launch, the RMS Titanic was the largest ship ever built and when she set sail on her maiden voyage in 1912 there were 2,227 people on board.
Richard Havers ,Carol King
- Price: Rs.2100
Since the discovery of the first examples of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase-catalysed reactions in the 1960s, a remarkably broad diversity of alternate reactions and substrates has been revealed, and extensive advances have been achieved.
Christopher Schofield; Robert Hausinger
- Price: Rs.19780
Materials science holds the key to product development, improvement and failure analysis and, consequently, failure avoidance.
Xiang Zhang
- Price: Rs.18400
Smart materials stimulated by chemical or biological signals are of interest for their many applications including drug delivery, as well as in new sensors and actuators for environmental monitoring, process and food control, and medicine.
Hans-Jorg Schneider
- Price: Rs.19780
Filled with everything restorers are looking for including Mini history, buying information, specs, bodywork, mechanics, interiors, electrics, mods, tools, color schemes, clubs and more.
Lindsay Porter
- Price: Rs.2500
Composites are being used more and more in the automotive industry, because of their strength, weight, quality and cost advantages.
Nick Tucker ,Kevin Lindsey
- Price: Rs.13500
In 2015, MINI Plant Oxford produced over 201,000 cars, and with a workforce of around 4,500 people, the plant is capable of building up to 1,000 cars per day.
Chris Randall
- Price: Rs.2500
The book reviews the concept of the self-healing processes, starting with their occurrence in nature, for example in plants, human skin and so on, and leading to the most recent scientific discoveries and industrial applications.
Wes Jamroz, Emile I Haddad,Brahim Aissa
- Price: Rs.19890
This book provides a comprehenisve survey of the degradation and stabilisation processes specific to aromatic polyesters, including thermal, thermo-oxidative, chemical, light and radiation degradation and stabilisation.
Stuart F Fairgrieve
- Price: Rs.11500
This book on Rubber Technology summarises various aspects of natural, synthetic rubbers, vulcanisation mixing and calendering, manufacturing techniques of various rubber. The book is divided in two volumes. Volume I contains 1 to 22 chapters and Volume II has 23 to 39 chapters.
S. C. Bhatia and Avishek Goel
- Price: Rs.4695
This review explores some of the detail behind the type of polymers used in asphalt, why they are used, where they are used in terms of applications and the benefits they offer to industry and the road user.
Howard Robinson
- Price: Rs.15500
An electronic oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a periodic (often a sine wave, a square wave, or a pulse trains) or a non-periodic (a double-mode wave or a chaotic wave) oscillating electronic signal.
Yoshifumi Nishio
- Price: Rs.11950
This advanced research monograph is devoted to the Wiener-Hopf technique, a function-theoretic method that has found applications in a variety of fields, most notably in analytical studies of diffraction and scattering of waves.
Vito G. Daniele, Rodolfo S. Zich
- Price: Rs.7495
Hand-based biometrics identifies users by unique features in their hands, such as fingerprints, palmprints, hand geometry, and finger and palm vein patterns.
Martin Drahanský
- Price: Rs.12500
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