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  • Principles of E-Learning Systems Engineering

    Introduction; General systems theory; Project development framework; E-learning systems structure and content; Feasibility; Front-end analysis; Project plan; Initial design; Detailed design.

    Lester Gilbert Veronica Gale
    Price:    Rs.7495
  • Flexible Robot Manipulators, 2nd Edition

    Industrial automation is driving the development of robot manipulators in various applications, with much of the research effort focussed on flexible manipulators and their advantages compared to their rigid counterparts.

    M.O. Tokhi, A.K.M. Azad
    Price:    Rs.12500
  • Vehicle thermal Management Systems (VTMS8)

    Major topics addressed include: Engine and engine compartment heat transfer; engine thermal loading; coolants and cooling systems heating, air conditioning and climate control and passenger comfort; heat exchanger developments; air flow management; vehicle thermal system modelling.

    T.I. M. E.
    Price:    Rs.50631
  • Braking 2009

    The papers are arranged under the following headings: Materials; Braking systems design; Design and thermal effects; NVH.

    Institution of Mechanical Engineers
    Price:    Rs.42104
  • Low Carbon Vehicles 2009

    The papers are arranged under the following headings: The carbon challenge; Electricity; Hybrids; Fuels and lubes; Alternative energy storage media; IC engines.

    Institution of Mechanical Engineers
    Price:    Rs.42104
  • Recent Trends in Sliding Mode Control

    In control theory, sliding mode control, or SMC, is a nonlinear control method that alters the dynamics of a nonlinear system by application of a discontinuous control signal that forces the system to 'slide' along a cross-section of the system's normal behaviour.

    Leonid Fridman, Jean-Pierre Barbot, Franck Plestan
    Price:    Rs.12500
  • Tactical Persistent Surveillance Radar with Applications

    Tactical Persistent Surveillance Radar with Applications introduces technologists to the essential elements of persistent surveillance of tactical targets from both a hardware and software point of view, using simple Mathcad, Excel and Basic examples with real data.

    David Lynch
    Price:    Rs.10900
  • Wood Fibres for Papermaking

    Firs and pines dominated the global picture of raw materials used by the paper industry until the 1950s.

    María Cristina Area ,Valentin I Popa
    Price:    Rs.9800
  • Human Monitoring, Smart Health and Assisted Living

    Interest in Information and Communication Technologies for human monitoring, smart health and assisted living is growing due to the significant impact that these technologies are expected to have on improving the quality of life of ageing populations around the world.

    Sauro Longhi, Andrea Monteriù, Alessandro Freddi
    Price:    Rs.10100
  • Novel Radar Techniques and Applications

    Novel Radar Techniques and Applications presents the state-of-the-art in advanced radar, with emphasis on ongoing novel research and development and contributions from an international team of leading radar experts.

    Richard Klemm, Ulrich Nickel, Christoph H. Gierull, Pierfrancesco Lombardo
    Price:    Rs.14000
  • Nanostructure Control of Materials

    The ability to measure and manipulate matter on the nanometer level is making possible a new generation of materials with enhanced mechanical, optical, transport and magnetic properties.

    R H J Hannink ,A J Hill
    Price:    Rs.17260
  • Portable Biosensors and Point-of-Care Systems

    Portable Biosensors and Point-of-Care Systems describes the principles, design and applications of a new generation of analytical and diagnostic biomedical devices, characterized.

    Spyridon E. Kintzios
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Enhanced Living Environments

    Enhanced living environments employ information and communications technologies to support true ambient assisted living for adults and people with disabilities.

    Rossitza Ivanova Goleva, Ivan Ganchev, Ciprian Dobre, Nuno Garcia, Carlos Valderrama
    Price:    Rs.11500
  • Engineering Plastics

    Generally speaking, engineering plastics are those which are replacing conventional materials such as metals and alloys in general engineering.

    T R Crompton
    Price:    Rs.18400
  • Advances in Nanofibre Research

    Nanofibres are defined as fibres with diameters on the order of 100 nanometres. They can be produced by interfacial polymerisation and electrospinning.

    Akbar K Haghi ,Gennady Zaikov
    Price:    Rs.14166
  • Advances in Critical Care Engineering

    This book provides a representation of the new trends in fundamental and applied research on different aspects of engineering involved in critical care.

    Ming-Chien Chyu
    Price:    Rs.10900
  • Photocured Materials

    Traditionally, most synthetically developed materials are hardened by heating them to an elevated temperature, a process requiring large amounts of energy and space.

    Atul Tiwari, Alexander Polykarpov
    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Economics of Petroleum Production

    Issues of risk management and profit maximization in the context of oil exploration are examined in this volume for graduate students studying hydrocarbon production, and for oil industry professionals involved in economic risk analysis.

    I. Lerche, Sheila Noeth
    Price:    Rs.7850
  • Coatings for Biomedical Applications

    This book provides a comprehensive review of coatings and surface modification for biomedical applications, including background, theory, materials and applications.

    Mike Driver
    Price:    Rs.22450
  • The Coming Oil Crisis

    The history and current status of the important oil industry are reviewed in this study of the geological origins of oil and gas. Assessed are how much oil and gas has been produced.

    Colin Campbell
    Price:    Rs.3295
  • Jet Aeroacoustics

    An up-to-date survey of airplane noise, this single-volume reference thoroughly addresses the key problems facing aeronautical engineers.

    Ganesh Raman
    Price:    Rs.9100
  • Applied Aspects of Nano-Physics and Nano-Engineering

    This volume of a book “Applied Aspects of Nanophysics and Nano-engineering” is partially composed of short communications – proceedings of international symposium “Nanophysics and nano-engineering 2017”

    Kirill Levine,Andrey G. Syrkov,
    Price:    Rs.19780
  • Nanodiamond

    The exceptional mechanical, optical, surface and biocompatibility properties of nanodiamond have gained it much interest.

    Oliver A Williams
    Price:    Rs.16900
  • Nanodiamond

    The exceptional mechanical, optical, surface and biocompatibility properties of nanodiamond have gained it much interest.

    Oliver A Williams
    Price:    Rs.16900
  • Functional Nanometer-Sized Clusters of Transition Metals

    Metal nanoclusters, which bridge metal atoms and nanocrystals, are gaining attention due to their unique chemical and physical properties which differ greatly from their corresponding large nanoparticles and molecular compounds.

    Wei Chen, Shaowei Chen
    Price:    Rs.18900
  • Short Wavelength Laboratory Sources

    Our ability to manipulate short wavelength radiation (0.01-100nm, equivalent to 120keV-12eV) has increased significantly over the last three decades.

    Davide Bleiner, John Costello, Francois de Dortan, Gerry O'Sullivan, Ladislav Pina, Alan Michette
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Robot Wars

    Robot Wars is the highly successful TV series in which competitors aim to 'fight to the death' using remote-controlled robots fighting within an enclosed arena.

    James Cooper
    Price:    Rs.2500
  • Semiconductor Gas Sensors

    Semiconductor gas sensors have a wide range of applications in safety, process control, environmental monitoring, indoor or cabin air quality and medical diagnosis.

    Raivo Jaaniso, Ooi Kiang Tan
    Price:    Rs.25665
  • Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites

    Understanding the properties of polymer carbon nanotube (CNT) composites is the key to these materials finding new applications in a wide range of industries, including but not limited.

    Tony McNally, Petra Pötschke
    Price:    Rs.55872
  • Stimuli-Responsive Materials

    The ability for a material to change properties in response to external stimuli is an attractive feature for numerous applications and as such stimuli responsive materials are gaining attention across many different fields.

    Marek W Urban
    Price:    Rs.10400
  • Titanic

    It is a story that's familiar to everyone. At the time of its launch, the RMS Titanic was the largest ship ever built and when she set sail on her maiden voyage in 1912 there were 2,227 people on board.

    Richard Havers ,Carol King
    Price:    Rs.2100
  • Tiger Tank Manual

    The German Tiger I was the most feared battle tank of the Second World War. Its invincibility lay in its main gun and heavy defensive armour.

    Michael Hayton ,Steven Vase,David Willey
    Price:    Rs.2500
  • 2-Oxoglutarate-Dependent Oxygenases

    Since the discovery of the first examples of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase-catalysed reactions in the 1960s, a remarkably broad diversity of alternate reactions and substrates has been revealed, and extensive advances have been achieved.

    Christopher Schofield; Robert Hausinger
    Price:    Rs.19780
  • Piano Manual

    Aimed at everyone with an interest in pianos, amateurs and professionals alike, this is a thorough but highly readable technical guide to the world's most influential musical instrument.

    Graham Barker, John Bishop
    Price:    Rs.2300
  • Marriage

    Written by bestselling author Boris Starling, Marriage is one of the first titles in the brand new Haynes Explains series.

    Boris Starling
    Price:    Rs.995
  • Chemoresponsive Materials

    Smart materials stimulated by chemical or biological signals are of interest for their many applications including drug delivery, as well as in new sensors and actuators for environmental monitoring, process and food control, and medicine.

    Hans-Jorg Schneider
    Price:    Rs.19780
  • Reactive Inkjet Printing

    Reactive inkjet printing uses an inkjet printer to dispense one or more reactants onto a substrate to generate a physical or chemical reaction to form a product in situ.

    Patrick J Smith; Aoife Morrin
    Price:    Rs.16900
  • U.S.S. Enterprise Manual

    The Starship Enterprise gets the Haynes treatment! This fascinating Haynes Manual features cutaway drawings, technical illustrations and photographs along.

    Marcus Riley, Ben Robinson
    Price:    Rs.2500
  • Nanoscopic Materials

    In recent years there have been great advances in the development of new nanomaterials.

    Emil Roduner
    Price:    Rs.9100
  • A Guide to Flame Resistant Textile Materials

    The book named “Bio-macromolecule for making Fire retardant textile materials” has been written for the researchers and for the end-users of the textile and paper like products.

    Dr. Santanu Basak
    Price:    Rs.1495
  • Mechatronic Hands

    This book describes the technical design characteristics of the main components that go into forming an artificial hand, whether it is a simple design that does not have a natural appearance.

    Paul H. Chappell 1
    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Mini Restoration Manual

    Filled with everything restorers are looking for including Mini history, buying information, specs, bodywork, mechanics, interiors, electrics, mods, tools, color schemes, clubs and more.

    Lindsay Porter
    Price:    Rs.2500
  • Building A Mini Operations Manual

    In 2015, MINI Plant Oxford produced over 201,000 cars, and with a workforce of around 4,500 people, the plant is capable of building up to 1,000 cars per day.

    Chris Randall
    Price:    Rs.2500
  • Royal Air Force 100

    This exciting manual showcases 100 incredible inventions and innovations that have kept the service at the forefront of technology.

    Jonathan Falconer
    Price:    Rs.2500
  • Degradation and Stabilisation of Aromatic Polyesters

    This book provides a comprehenisve survey of the degradation and stabilisation processes specific to aromatic polyesters, including thermal, thermo-oxidative, chemical, light and radiation degradation and stabilisation.

    Stuart F Fairgrieve
    Price:    Rs.11500
  • Smart Rubbers: Synthesis and Applications

    'Smart rubbers' are defined as elastomeric materials that respond to external stimuli through a macroscopic output in which the energy of the stimulus is transduced appropriately as a function of external interference.

    Lorenzo Massimo Polgar
    Price:    Rs.10900
  • Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes 2014

    Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes is now the longest and most successful running conference on this subject, offering strategic insights from industry leaders within this growing market.

    Smithers Rapra
    Price:    Rs.13000
  • Hartz IV Moebel.com

    “You don’t have any money for furniture? Then build some yourself!” Just in time for the do-it-yourself wave, Berlin-based architect and rapper Van Bo Le-Mentzel (*1977).

    Van Bo Le-Mentzel
    Price:    Rs.1200
  • Biocides in Plastics

    This Rapra Review Report examines the use of biocides in plastics with reference to material types and application requirements.

    Dean Nichols
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Managing Wastes from Aluminum Smelter Plants

    Managing Wastes from Aluminum Smelter Plants discusses major environmental polluting waste material from aluminium industries and particularly, stresses upon decontaminating spent pot liner.

    B. Mazumder and B.K. Mishra
    Price:    Rs.1995
  • Compression Techniques for Polymer Science

    Compression Techniques for Polymer Sciences addresses the use of algorithmic complexity to perform compression on polymer strings to reduce the redundant quality while keeping the numerical quality intact.

    Dr. Bradley S. Tice
    Price:    Rs.2495
  • Rubber Technology (2 Volumes set)

    This book on Rubber Technology summarises various aspects of natural, synthetic rubbers, vulcanisation mixing and calendering, manufacturing techniques of various rubber. The book is divided in two volumes. Volume I contains 1 to 22 chapters and Volume II has 23 to 39 chapters.

    S. C. Bhatia and Avishek Goel
    Price:    Rs.4695
  • Addcon 2009 Conference Proceedings

    Due to rapidly changing world wide economic pressures the global additives market is under increased pressure for improvements in efficiency, performance and cost savings.

    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Wim Wenders: Places, Strange and Quiet

    "Wim Wenders-- painter, writer, and one of the most successful contemporary filmmakers around-- has assembled a fascinating series of large-scale photographs taken in countries all over the world.

    Wim Wenders
    Price:    Rs.4250
  • Silicone Elastomers 2013

    Smithers Rapra and the advisory board are committed to providing an opportunity for end users and academics to network, collaborate and to exchange information about what deliverables are needed for silicone elastomers to expand their share of the market.

    Smithers Rapra
    Price:    Rs.13525
  • Laser Cooling of Solids

    Laser cooling is an important emerging technology in such areas as the cooling of semiconductors.

    S V Petrushkin, V V Samartsev
    Price:    Rs.19260
  • Polymers in Asphalt

    This review explores some of the detail behind the type of polymers used in asphalt, why they are used, where they are used in terms of applications and the benefits they offer to industry and the road user.

    Howard Robinson
    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures

    The micro-Doppler effect appears as Doppler frequency modulations in coherent laser or microwave radar systems induced by mechanical vibrations or rotations of a target or any part on the target.

    Victor C. Chen, David Tahmoush, William J. Miceli
    Price:    Rs.10662
  • Printed Films

    Whilst printed films are currently used in varied devices across a wide range of fields, research into their development and properties is increasingly uncovering even greater potential.

    Maria Prudenziati, Jacob Hormadaly
    Price:    Rs.34556
  • Tyre Recycling

    This is an expert overview on the topic of tyre recycling. It summarises current practices and the factors that have contributed to their growth and efficacy as viable, economically and environmentally sound methods of dealing with post-consumer tyres.

    Valerie Shulman
    Price:    Rs.14500
  • Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers

    In recent years the use of renewable resources as chemical feedstocks for the synthesis of polymeric materials has attracted considerable attention due to the finite nature of traditional petrochemical derived compounds in addition to economic and environmental considerations.

    Catia Bastioli
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Oscillator Circuits

    An electronic oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces a periodic (often a sine wave, a square wave, or a pulse trains) or a non-periodic (a double-mode wave or a chaotic wave) oscillating electronic signal.

    Yoshifumi Nishio
    Price:    Rs.11950
  • Analysis and Design of Reset Control Systems

    Reset control is concerned with how to reset a system when it is disturbed to overcome the inherent limitations of linear feedback control and to improve robustness.

    Yuqian Guo, Lihua Xie, Youyi Wang
    Price:    Rs.9800
  • Nano-Scaled Semiconductor Devices

    The rapid evolution of integrated circuit technology has brought with it many new materials and processing steps at the nano-scale which boost the electrical performance of devices, resulting in faster and more functionally-complex electronics.

    Edmundo A. Gutiérrez-D
    Price:    Rs.12700
  • Polymer Processing with Supercritical Fluids

    SCFs are currently the subjects of intense research and commercial interest. Applications such as the RESS (rapid expansion of supercritical fluid solutions) process are part of standard industrial practice.

    Vannessa Goodship,Erich Oqur
    Price:    Rs.14800
  • Tanker Operations

    The domestic and international rules governing the qualifications for personnel serving on tank vessels have changed in recent years.

    Mark Huber
    Price:    Rs.5200
  • The Wiener-Hopf Method in Electromagnetics

    This advanced research monograph is devoted to the Wiener-Hopf technique, a function-theoretic method that has found applications in a variety of fields, most notably in analytical studies of diffraction and scattering of waves.

    Vito G. Daniele, Rodolfo S. Zich
    Price:    Rs.7495
  • Amine Unit Corrosion in Refineries

    The corrosion of carbon steels in amine units used for gas treatment in refining operations is a major problem for the petrochemical industry.

    Harston, F Ropital
    Price:    Rs.9100
  • Lightning Electromagnetics

    Lightning research is an interdisciplinary subject where several branches of engineering and physics converge.

    Vernon Cooray
    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Corrosion by Carbon and Nitrogen

    Metal dusting is a form of corrosion involving the disintegration of metals and alloys into a dust of graphite and metal particles when exposed to a carburizing atmosphere.

    H Grabke, M Schütze
    Price:    Rs.21400
  • Hand-Based Biometrics

    Hand-based biometrics identifies users by unique features in their hands, such as fingerprints, palmprints, hand geometry, and finger and palm vein patterns.

    Martin Drahanský
    Price:    Rs.12500
  • Ceramic Nanocomposites

    Ceramic nanocomposites have been found to have improved hardness, strength, toughness and creep resistance compared to conventional ceramic matrix composites.

    Rajat Banerjee, Indranil Manna
    Price:    Rs.25290
  • Digital Communications

    A worldwide digital and wireless communication revolution has taken place in the last 20 years which has created a high demand in industry for graduates with in-depth expertise in digital transmission techniques and a sound and complete understanding of their core principles.

    Ifiok Otung
    Price:    Rs.5500
  • Novel Radar Techniques and Applications

    Novel Radar Techniques and Applications presents the state-of-the-art in advanced radar, with emphasis on ongoing novel research and development and contributions from an international team of leading radar experts.

    Richard Klemm, Hugh Griffiths, Wolfgang Koch
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • System Design with Memristor Technologies

    Memristors are a new class of circuit element with the ability to change their resistance value while retaining memory of their current and past resistances.

    Lauren Guckert, Earl E. Swartzlander
    Price:    Rs.9800
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