This special issue of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship honours the voice of the Changemaker, Wayfinder, Edgewalker, and Intellectual Shaman in particular.
Sandra Waddock, Malcolm McIntosh, Judith Ann Neal, Edwina Pio, Chellie Spiller
- Price: Rs.3200
During recent years, attempts have been made to move beyond the Eurocentric perspective that characterized the social sciences, especially anthropology, for over 150 years.
Shahnaz R. Nadjmabadi
- Price: Rs.3007
Durkheim, in his very role as a ‘founding father’ of a new social science, sociology, has become like a ?gure in an old religious painting, enshrouded in myth and encrusted in layers of thick, impenetrable varnish.
William Watts Miller
- Price: Rs.2800
Anthropological interest in mass communication and media has exploded in the last two decades, engaging and challenging the work on the media in mass communications, cultural studies, sociology and other disciplines.
Mark Allen Peterson
- Price: Rs.10662
A self-proclaimed guerrilla fighter for ideas, Baruch Kimmerling was an outspoken critic, a prolific writer, and a “public” sociologist.
Baruch Kimmerling
- Price: Rs.2900
From a comparative perspective, human life histories are unique and raising offspring is unusually costly: humans have relatively short birth intervals compared to other apes, childhood is long, mothers care simultaneously for many dependent children.
Gillian Bentley and Ruth Mace
- Price: Rs.3010
Our species origin has its roots in ancestral habits, behaviors and survival drive, through changing environmental conditions, and crystallized during millennia in basic neurobehavioral circuits, be it as predators or potential prey: we were not born in a mother-of-pearl cradle and protected by magic agents.
Jorge A. Colombo
- Price: Rs.9800
In recent years, civic and political institutions have stepped up their efforts to encourage youth participation: schools promote volunteerism, non-profits provide opportunities for service, local governments.
Loretta E. Bass Jessica K. Taft Sandi Kawecka Nenga
- Price: Rs.13500
True to the nature of the Gedenkschrift, this commemorative publication celebrates the work of sociologist Dr. William Freudenburg, one of the founding editors of RSPPP and Dehlsen Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Susan Maret
- Price: Rs.12500
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