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  • Update on Medical Plasticised PVC

    Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) is the most versatile of all the commodity polymers. It can satisfy a wide range of product function, safety, performance, and cost criteria.

    James M. Courtney,James M. Courtney
    Price:    Rs.12500
  • Applications of Polymers in Drug Delivery

    Use of polymers has become indispensable in the field of drug delivery. Polymers play a crucial role in modulating drug delivery to exploit maximum therapeutic benefits.

    Aliasgar Shahiwala, Ambikanandan Misra
    Price:    Rs.21800
  • Wood Fibres for Papermaking

    Firs and pines dominated the global picture of raw materials used by the paper industry until the 1950s.

    María Cristina Area ,Valentin I Popa
    Price:    Rs.9800
  • Soy-Based Bioplastics

    Soy and its coproducts are rapidly emerging as one of the most prominent sustainable plastics of the 21st century.

    Vijay Kumar Thakur,Manju Kumari Thakur,Michael R Kessler
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Degradation and Stabilisation of Aromatic Polyesters

    This book provides a comprehenisve survey of the degradation and stabilisation processes specific to aromatic polyesters, including thermal, thermo-oxidative, chemical, light and radiation degradation and stabilisation.

    Stuart F Fairgrieve
    Price:    Rs.11500
  • Smart Rubbers: Synthesis and Applications

    'Smart rubbers' are defined as elastomeric materials that respond to external stimuli through a macroscopic output in which the energy of the stimulus is transduced appropriately as a function of external interference.

    Lorenzo Massimo Polgar
    Price:    Rs.10900
  • Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes 2014

    Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes is now the longest and most successful running conference on this subject, offering strategic insights from industry leaders within this growing market.

    Smithers Rapra
    Price:    Rs.13000
  • Biocides in Plastics

    This Rapra Review Report examines the use of biocides in plastics with reference to material types and application requirements.

    Dean Nichols
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Nucleating Agents

    A very important factor in obtaining optimised physical properties from a semi-crystalline polymer is the size of the crystalline structures present in the material, and this crucially depends.

    Stuart Fairgrieve
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Advances in Nanofibre Research

    Nanofibres are defined as fibres with diameters on the order of 100 nanometres. They can be produced by interfacial polymerisation and electrospinning.

    Akbar K Haghi ,Gennady Zaikov
    Price:    Rs.14166
  • Addcon 2009 Conference Proceedings

    Due to rapidly changing world wide economic pressures the global additives market is under increased pressure for improvements in efficiency, performance and cost savings.

    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Practical Guide to Blow Moulding

    Blow molding, explained as having evolved from glass blowing, is used in plastic materials applications as diverse as soda bottles and automobile fuel tanks.

    N. C. Lee
    Price:    Rs.8700
  • Electrospinning

    Electrospinning uses an electrical charge to form a mat of fine fibres. It shares characteristics of both the commercial electrospray technique and the commercial spinning of fibres.

    J. Stanger
    Price:    Rs.11854
  • Silicone Elastomers 2013

    Smithers Rapra and the advisory board are committed to providing an opportunity for end users and academics to network, collaborate and to exchange information about what deliverables are needed for silicone elastomers to expand their share of the market.

    Smithers Rapra
    Price:    Rs.13525
  • Polymeric Protective Technical Textiles

    The current size of the personal protective clothing and equipment market in the EU alone is estimated at 9.5-10 billion, with around 200,000 jobs directly or indirectly related to these products and services.

    Brian J. McCarthy
    Price:    Rs.17981
  • Polymers in Asphalt

    This review explores some of the detail behind the type of polymers used in asphalt, why they are used, where they are used in terms of applications and the benefits they offer to industry and the road user.

    Howard Robinson
    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Tyre Recycling

    This is an expert overview on the topic of tyre recycling. It summarises current practices and the factors that have contributed to their growth and efficacy as viable, economically and environmentally sound methods of dealing with post-consumer tyres.

    Valerie Shulman
    Price:    Rs.14500
  • Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers

    In recent years the use of renewable resources as chemical feedstocks for the synthesis of polymeric materials has attracted considerable attention due to the finite nature of traditional petrochemical derived compounds in addition to economic and environmental considerations.

    Catia Bastioli
    Price:    Rs.13500
  • Engineering Plastics

    Generally speaking, engineering plastics are those which are replacing conventional materials such as metals and alloys in general engineering.

    T R Crompton
    Price:    Rs.18400
  • Sterilisation of Polymer Healthcare Products

    Sterilisation has always been challenging but sterilisation of healthcare products and polymers, especially together is an even greater challenge - how do you sterilise without adversely affecting the end use or the end user?

    Wayne Rogers
    Price:    Rs.15500
  • Update on Polymers for Pulmonary Drug Delivery

    Pulmonary drug delivery has been a rapidly expanding field, moving from the traditional propellant-based metered-dose inhaler delivery of small asthma drugs, to a broader landscape of new devices and novel drugs for local and systemic delivery.

    Hugh D. C. Smyth ,Jason McConville ,Ibrahim El-Sherbiny
    Price:    Rs.11950
  • Polymer Processing with Supercritical Fluids

    SCFs are currently the subjects of intense research and commercial interest. Applications such as the RESS (rapid expansion of supercritical fluid solutions) process are part of standard industrial practice.

    Vannessa Goodship,Erich Oqur
    Price:    Rs.14800
  • Healthcare Sterilisation : Challenging Practices, Volume 2

    The collection of topics in this second volume of the book reflects challenges the reader to think beyond standard methods and question why certain current procedures remain static while technological advances abound in other aspects of sterilisation technology.

    Wayne J Rogers
    Price:    Rs.17681
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