Our world is fraught with problems that demand attention: climate change, terrorism, poverty, and injustice to name only a few.
Sandra Waddock
- Price: Rs.3295

In April 2016, the Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Office convened a group of scholars and business leaders to discuss the Encyclical Laudato Si (LS) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The articles in this special issue are from that conference; the hope is that they will provoke your thinking and lead to new action to make the world a better place.How is it that the secular United Nations and the religious Vatican have a common vision for business? At root, this common vision for business flows from a common vision for society as a whole.For business, flowing from this common vision is a common understanding of the purpose of business. Catholic social thought has always taught that the single-minded focus on making money in business can never be acceptable. The purpose of business is to create sustainable value for stakeholders and that value is not exclusively monetary value.
Oliver F. Williams
- Price: Rs.3500
This book, based on a huge European and Asian research project, is a state-of-the-art examination of the theory and practice of system innovation through Product-Service System (PSS) design for sustainability from a trans-cultural viewpoint.
Carlo Vezzoli, Cindy Kohtala, Amrit Srinivasan, Liu Xin, Moi Fusakul, Deepta Sateesh, J.C. Diehl
- Price: Rs.6600
Sustainability reporting can help companies make more money. Sustainability Reporting for SMEs shows you how. Reporting, done well, requires a company to make public a set of promises that bind the company to its sustainability commitments.
Elaine Cohen
- Price: Rs.3295
There is no doubt that the textile industry – the production of clothing, fabrics, thread, fibre and related products – plays a significant part in the global economy.
Miguel Angel Gardetti, Ana Laura Torres
- Price: Rs.13525
This book outlines a path towards a more practical era for "corporate responsibility", where companies make real environmental gains based on hard facts, using lifecycle assessment (LCA) and environmental product declarations (EPDs).
Ramon Arratia
- Price: Rs.3295

Sustainable Transport Fuels Business Briefing explains, for a global business audience, the latest developments in the world of sustainable transport. Not the vehicles or modes of transport themselves, but their means of propulsion.New technologies and players are coming and going with bewildering speed. Some observers are putting their money on electric vehicles, others on hybrids; some see electric vehicles as a mere stepping stone to hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles, already being seen on city streets. The mere mention of biofuels often provokes fierce arguments about their sustainability, yet they, too, are here to stay and will be filling more and more fuel tanks.By the time you finish this book, you will understand not only the pros and cons of all these technologies, the programmes around the world furthering their development, and the players large and small, but also the catalysts for change, and the successful partnerships and innovative business models being employed.You’ll be able to make informed decisions about investments, whether you’re considering a new fleet, haulage or mobility of any kind, or whether to install an electric vehicle charging point in your property.
David Thorpe
- Price: Rs.3295
This book explains, for a UK business audience, the technical, scientific and economic aspects of solar photovoltaics (PV) technologies.
David Thorpe
- Price: Rs.3295
A quantitative and coherent resource for petroleum engineering professionals, this investigation of the problems concerned with oil and gas flow along subsurface faults focuses on the impact of reservoir leakage and subsurface pressure on production methodologies, exploration, and finance.
Ian Lerche, James A. Mackay
- Price: Rs.8100
This monograph presents smooth, unified, and generalized fractional programming problems, particularly advanced duality models for discrete min-max fractional programming.
Ram U. Verma
- Price: Rs.19890
In response to the world’s rapidly growing social, economic and environmental challenges, a growing wave of "social intrapreneurs" are harnessing the power of large companies to create new business solutions to address societal problems.
David Grayson, Melody McLaren, Heiko Spitzeck
- Price: Rs.3800