Abandoning the usual Cold War–oriented narrative of postwar European protest and opposition movements, this volume offers an innovative, interdisciplinary, and comprehensive perspective on two decades of protest and social upheaval in postwar Europe.
Martin Klimke, Jacco Pekelder & Joachim Scharloth
- Price: Rs.10424
The war in the Middle East is marked by a lack of cultural knowledge on the part of the western forces, and this book deals with another, widely ignored element of Islam—the role of dreams in everyday life.
Iain R. Edgar
- Price: Rs.10424
Durkheim, in his very role as a ‘founding father’ of a new social science, sociology, has become like a ?gure in an old religious painting, enshrouded in myth and encrusted in layers of thick, impenetrable varnish.
William Watts Miller
- Price: Rs.2800
Psychologists have done a great deal of research on the effects of trauma on the individual, revealing the paradox that violent experiences are often secreted away beyond easy accessibility, becoming impossible to verbalize explicitly.
Nicolas Argenti and Katharina Schramm
- Price: Rs.10424
Increasingly, consumers in North America and Europe see their purchasing as a way to express to the commercial world their concerns about trade justice, the environment and similar issues. This ethical consumption has attracted growing attention in the press and among academics.
James G. Carrier and Peter G. Luetchford
- Price: Rs.10424
The modern world is saturated with images. Scientific knowledge of the human body (in all its variety) is highly dependent on the technological generation of visual data – brain and body scans, x-rays, diagrams, graphs and charts.
Jeanette Edwards, Penelope Harvey, and Peter Wade
- Price: Rs.10424
An ethnography of the development and travel of the New Zealand model of neoliberal welfare reform, this study explores the social life of policy, which is one of process, motion, and change.
Catherine Kingfisher
- Price: Rs.9800
Faced with infectious diseases, starvation, lack of medicines, lack of clean water, and safe sewage, Jewish physicians practiced medicine under severe conditions in the ghettos and concentration camps of the Holocaust.
Michael A. Grodin
- Price: Rs.10424
Combining ethnographic and historical research conducted in Angola, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, A Prophetic Trajectory tells the story of Simão Toko, the founder and leader of one of the most important contemporary Angolan religious movements.
Ruy Llera Blanes
- Price: Rs.9800
Renowned historical sociologist Charles Tilly wrote many years ago that “banditry, piracy, gangland rivalry, policing, and war-making all belong on the same continuum.
Renate Bridenthal
- Price: Rs.10662
The significance that people grant to their affiliations as members of nations, religions, classes, races, ethnicities and genders is evidence of the vital need for a cosmopolitan project that originates in the figure of Anyone – the universal and yet individual human being. Cosmopolitanism offers an alternative to multiculturalism, a different vision of identity, belonging, solidarity and justice, that avoids the seemingly intractable character of identity politics: it identifies samenesses of the human condition that underlie the surface differences of history, culture and society, nation, ethnicity, religion, class, race and gender. This book argues for the importance of cosmopolitanism as a theory of human being, as a methodology for social science and as a moral and political program.
Nigel Rapport
- Price: Rs.10424
Demographic study and the idea of a “population” was developed and modified over the course of the twentieth century, mirroring the political, social, and cultural situations and aspirations of different societies.
Heinrich Hartmann and Corinna R. Unger
- Price: Rs.9800
The last century has seen radical social changes in Ireland, which have impacted all aspects of local life but none more so than traditional Irish music, an increasingly important identity marker both in Ireland and abroad.
Adam Kaul
- Price: Rs.10652
The 20th century, declared at its start to be the “Century of the Child” by Swedish author Ellen Key, saw an unprecedented expansion of state activity in and expert knowledge on child-rearing on both sides of the Atlantic.
Dirk Schumann
- Price: Rs.10652
During recent years, attempts have been made to move beyond the Eurocentric perspective that characterized the social sciences, especially anthropology, for over 150 years.
Shahnaz R. Nadjmabadi
- Price: Rs.3007
Through the ethnography and history of fish production, seafood consumption, state modernizing policies and marine science, this book analyzes the role of local knowledge in the management of marine resources on the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey.
Ståle Knudsen
- Price: Rs.3007
All societies are shaped by arts, media, and other persuasive practices that can awe, captivate, enchant or otherwise seem to cast a spell on the audience.
Ivo Strecker and Markus Verne
- Price: Rs.9800
Imperial Germany’s governing elite frequently sought to censor literature that threatened established political, social, religious, and moral norms.
Gary D. Stark
- Price: Rs.2800
Middle classes are by definition ambiguous, raising all sorts of paradoxical questions, perceived and real, about their power and place relative to those above and below them in a class-structured society.
Henry J. Rutz and Erol M. Balkan
- Price: Rs.2400
Inspired by the Rhetoric Culture Project, this volume focuses on the use of imagery, narrative, and cultural schemes to deal with predicaments that arise during the course of life.
Michael Carrithers
- Price: Rs.2300
In 2011, Silvio Berlusconi’s government fell amid a severe financial crisis that called into question the sustainability of Italy’s enormous public debt. But Italy’s entire political class suffered a downgrade at the hands of Europe, the markets, national elites, and many Italian citizens.
Anna Bosco and Duncan McDonnell
- Price: Rs.5160
Where lived experience of surroundings is shifting, visceral, and immersive, interpretation of social spaces tends to be static and remote.
Peter Wynn Kirby
- Price: Rs.2500
Multiculturalism has been one of the dominant concerns in political theory over the last decade. To date, this inquiry has been mostly informed by, or applied to, the Canadian, American, and increasingly, the European contexts.
Geoffrey Brahm Levey
- Price: Rs.3007
Everyday, millions of people eat earth, clay, nasal mucus, and similar substances. Yet food practices like these are strikingly understudied in a sustained, interdisciplinary manner.
Jeremy MacClancy, C. Jeya Henry and Helen Macbeth
- Price: Rs.2500
Within little more than ten years in the early nineteenth century, inhabitants of Tahiti, Hawaii and fifteen other closely related societies destroyed or desecrated all of their temples and most of their god-images.
Jeffrey Sissons
- Price: Rs.9800
While in some cases modernity may dominate 'traditional' forms of expression, in others, the modern is embraced as a welcome source of new ideas that can modify 'tradition' while still keeping it within its own bounds.
James Wilkerson and Robert Parkin
- Price: Rs.9800
In France’s Third Republic, secularism was, for its adherents, a new faith, a civic religion founded on a rabid belief in progress and the Enlightenment conviction that men (and women) could remake their world.
Patricia A. Tilburg
- Price: Rs.2500
Croatia gained the world's attention during the break-up of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. In this context its image has been overshadowed by visions of ethnic conflict and cleansing, war crimes, virulent nationalism, and occasionally even emergent regionalism.
Jasna Capo Žmegac
- Price: Rs.2500
Contributing to identity formation in ethnically and religiously diverse postcolonial societies, this book examines the role played by creole identity in Indonesia, and in particular its capital, Jakarta.
Jacqueline Knörr
- Price: Rs.10652
In July 1995, the Bosnian Serb Army commanded by General Ratko Mladic attacked the enclave of Srebrenica, a UN “safe area” since 1993, and massacred about 8,000 Bosniac men.
Isabelle Delpla, Xavier Bougarel, and Jean-Louis Fournel
- Price: Rs.2500
For the first time, this book provides the global history of labor in Central Eurasia, Russia, Europe, and the Indian Ocean between the sixteenth and the twentieth centuries.
Alessandro Stanziani
- Price: Rs.9800
Racial and ethnic categories have appeared in recent scientific work in novel ways and in relation to a variety of disciplines: medicine, forensics, population genetics and also developments in popular genealogy.
Katharina Schramm, David Skinner and Richard Rottenburg
- Price: Rs.2500
In this first interdisciplinary study of this contentious subject, leading experts in politics, history, and philosophy examine the complex aspects of the terror bombing of German cities during World War II.
Igor Primoratz
- Price: Rs.10100
Based on long-term fieldwork, six vivid ethnographies from Colombia, India, Poland, Spain and the southern and northern U.S. address the dwindling importance of labor throughout the world.
Sharryn Kasmir and August Carbonella
- Price: Rs.10100
Over several generations villagers of Dominica have been shifting from Patwa, an Afro-French creole, to English, the official language.
Amy L. Paugh
- Price: Rs.10652
Why was there such a far-reaching consensus concerning the utopian goal of national homogeneity in the first half of the twentieth century? Ethnic cleansing is analyzed here as a result of the formation of democratic nation-states, the international order based on them, and European modernity in general.
Philipp Ther
- Price: Rs.10662
Long ignored by scholars in the humanities, sound has just begun to take its place as an important object of study in the last few years. Since the late 19th century, there has been a paradigmatic shift in auditory cultures and practices in European societies.
Daniel Morat
- Price: Rs.10662
In Europe, Indian hobbyism, or Indianism, has developed out of a strong fascination with Native American life in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Petra Tjitske Kalshoven
- Price: Rs.10662
There is a growing interest in studies that document the relationship between science and medicine - as ideas, practices, technologies and outcomes - across cultural, national, geographic terrain.
Vincanne Adams, Mona Schrempf, and Sienna R. Craig
- Price: Rs.10100
Through a close reading of novels by Ulrike Kolb, Irmtraud Morgner, Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Bernhard Schlink, Peter Schneider, and Uwe Timm, this book traces the cultural memory of the 1960s student movement in German.
Susanne Rinner
- Price: Rs.10662
The legacy of emigrés in the British film industry, from the silent film era until after the Second World War, has been largely neglected in the scholarly literature. Destination London is the first book to redress this imbalance.
Tim Bergfelder and Christian Cargnelli
- Price: Rs.10662
Ingmar Bergman’s films had a very broad and rich relationship with the rest of European cinema, contrary to the myth that Bergman was a peripheral figure, culturally and aesthetically isolated from the rest of Europe.
John Orr
- Price: Rs.10662
The account of the author’s life, spent between Europe and America, is at the same time an account of his generation, one that came of age between the two World Wars.
Klemens von Klemperer
- Price: Rs.9800
The establishment of the Communist social model in one part of Germany was a result of international postwar developments, of the Cold War waged by East and West, and of the resultant partition of Germany.
André Steiner
- Price: Rs.9800
Völkerpsychologie played an important role in establishing the social sciences via the works of such scholars as Georg Simmel, Emile Durkheim, Ernest Renan, Franz Boas, and Werner Sombart.
Egbert Klautke
- Price: Rs.10662
For many years, histories of the Holocaust focused on its perpetrators, and only recently have more scholars begun to consider in detail the experiences of victims and survivors, as well as the documents they left behind.
Norman J. W. Goda
- Price: Rs.10662
BEST KNOWN AS THE LEADING HISTORIAN OF FRENCH RAILWAYS, François Caron has also conducted significant research on other aspects of economic development in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as electricity, water and steam power, the theory of innovation, and the structure of enterprise.
François Caron
- Price: Rs.10662
Following networks of mothers in London and Paris, the author profiles the narratives of women who breastfeed their children to full term, typically a period of several years, as part of an 'attachment parenting' philosophy.
Charlotte Faircloth
- Price: Rs.10662
The growing debate over British national identity, and the place of "Englishness" within it, raises crucial questions about multiculturalism, postimperial culture and identity, and the past and future histories of globalization.
Graham MacPhee and Prem Poddar
- Price: Rs.2450
Sex is often regarded as a dangerous business that must be rigorously controlled, regulated, and subjected to rules. Sexual acts that defy acceptable practices may be seen as variously defiling, immoral, and even unnatural.
Hastings Donnan and Fiona Magowan
- Price: Rs.2900
Anthropological interest in mass communication and media has exploded in the last two decades, engaging and challenging the work on the media in mass communications, cultural studies, sociology and other disciplines.
Mark Allen Peterson
- Price: Rs.10662
Forms of group identity play a prominent role in everyday lives and politics in north-east Africa. These volumes provide an interdisciplinary account of the nature and significance of ethnic, religious, and national identity in north-east Africa.
Günther Schlee and Elizabeth E.
- Price: Rs.2900
The “managerial revolution,” or the rise of management as a distinct and vital group in industrial society, might be identified as a major development of the modernization processes, similar to the scientific and industrial revolutions.
Emil A. Røyrvik
- Price: Rs.2500
An attempt to reveal, recover and reconsider the roles, positions, and actions of Ottoman women, this volume reconsiders the negotiations, alliances, and agency of women in asserting themselves in the public domain in late- and post-Ottoman cities.
Nazan Maksudyan
- Price: Rs.10662
Everyday life in the Crown colony of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) was characterized by a direct encounter of people with modernity through the consumption and use of foreign machines – in particular, the Singer sewing machine, but also the gramophone, tramway, bicycle and varieties of industrial equipment.
Nira Wickramasinghe
- Price: Rs.10662
Imperial Germany’s governing elite frequently sought to censor literature that threatened established political, social, religious, and moral norms in the name of public peace, order, and security.
Gary D. Stark
- Price: Rs.2900
Through the lens of five generations of Thaddens, this book tells the history of Trieglaff, the village and family estate located in what is now western Poland, from Napoleon’s occupation in 1807 to the Red Army’s invasion in 1945 and until the departure of the last Thaddens in 1948.
Rudolf von Thadden
- Price: Rs.10662
Since the emergence of the dissident “parallel polis” in Eastern Europe, civil society has become a “new superpower,” influencing democratic transformations, human rights, and international.
Lars Trägårdh, Nina Witoszek, & Bron Taylor
- Price: Rs.3010