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Noise in the Plastics Processing Industry : A Practical Guide
Bob Peters
336 pages
Rs. 11500
This is an updated and revised version of a book published by RAPRA in 1985: Noise in the Plastics Processing Industry. The original version was intended to provide guidance to managers and engineers in the plastics industry on ways to reduce high noise levels which often occurred in the workplace to reduce the risk of noise-induced hearing damage to employees. Practical methods for reducing noise from industrial machinery in general were described and then illustrated with 25 case studies all relating to plastics processing machines such a granulators, shredders, extruders and injection moulders.
Noise-control techniques which are described include standard noise-control measures such as enclosures, silencers and the use of sound insulating, sound-absorbing materials, vibration isolation and damping. Most of these techniques have not changed since 1985 with the one new technique which is now available being the use of active noise control methods. The scope of the revised text has been extended to include chapters on environmental noise, on European Union machinery noise emission regulations, hearing protection, prediction of noise levels, and design of quieter workplaces.
A new chapter of case studies has been added which reviews many already published case studies and introduces some new ones.