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Healthcare Sterilisation : Challenging Practices, Volume 2
Wayne J Rogers
562 pages
Rs. 17681
The collection of topics in this second volume of the book reflects challenges the reader to think beyond standard methods and question why certain current procedures remain static while technological advances abound in other aspects of sterilisation technology. By small means, better practices may come to pass to help answer some of the residual healthcare sterilisation and nosocomial infection queries:
What are some of the current challenges in healthcare sterilisation, and how can they be handled? What are some of the acceptable current non-traditional sterilisation methods, challenging alternatives, and novel modalities? What are some of the packaging, validation and statistical considerations of sterilisation practices? How does design-of-product and packaging interrelate with sterilisation processing? Are the current sterility media and practices optimal for recovery of more modified and more resistant viable organism entities and product? Are there increased sterility and product quality needs with new types of implantables and technological advances within the three dimensional combinations of diagnostics, drug release and challenging medical devices?