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Energy Conservation in Textile Industry
S. C. Bhatia Prof. Puneet Mangla Sarvesh Devraj
360 pages
Rs. 4195
The textile industry is one of the most complicated manufacturing industries because it is a fragmented and heterogeneous sector dominated by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Energy conservation is an important tool to deal with global issues such as the future exhaustion of resources and global warming. Energy conservation contributes to solution to the global issues such as energy security and possible future exhaustion of oil. Textile industry uses large quantities of electricity and fuels. There are significant losses of energy within various operations of textile plants such as spinning, weaving and dyeing. This book on Energy conservation in textile industry summarises various aspects of energy consumption and conservation and is divided into 22 chapters. This edition discusses energy conservation in spinning process, energy conservation in weaving process, energy conservation in wet processing, energy conservation in drying process, energy conservation in textile finishing, energy conservation in man made fibre industry,